Keeping our learners safe is a priority, to ensure this we:

  • Have a robust Safeguarding Policy and a DSLP (Designated Safeguarding Lead Person)
  • Deliver regular training for our staff on how to protect our children.
  • Complete strong recruitment checks on all prospective staff and vet all speakers who visit the nursery.
  • Have installed systems to filter what our learners can access on the Internet.
  • Complete regular health and safety checks of our building, grounds and equipment.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

At Rida Nursery, we take safeguarding very seriously. The Nursery has clear policies and procedures to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people.

We aim to work in partnership and have an important role in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements as set out by Working Together 2018.

Everyone working in or for our school has a responsibility to keep children safe by:

  • Providing and maintaining a safe learning environment for children to develop and thrive
  • Protecting children from maltreatment;
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development;
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances; and
  • Identifying children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and taking appropriate action to address them, in partnership with other organisations with the aim of keeping the child safe at home and at school

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools.

One of the principles of Operation Encompass is that all incidents of domestic abuse are shared with schools, not just those where an offence can be identified.

Safeguarding- Useful documents/Links

Nursery Safeguarding Team
Visitors & Volunteers Policy
Online Safety Policy
LAC Policy
Educational Visits and outings Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children
County Lines Guidance
Physical Restraint and Intervention Policy


Online Safety

Rida Nursery is committed to keeping children safe and healthy in its care and the online safety policy operates always under the umbrella of the Safeguarding Policy. The same ‘staying safe’ outcome outlined in Every Child Matters agenda will apply equally to the ‘virtual’ or digital/electronic world of communication.

We recognise that the internet plays a vital role in a child’s education and can help enrich and extend learning activities, promote pupil achievement and raise educational standards. The use of the internet also supports the work of staff and helps maintain the school’s management/admin system.

The purpose of the online safety policy is to maximise the educational benefit and fulfil the obligation of providing quality internet access to children as part of their lifelong learning experience, whilst adopting a safe culture and minimising any associated risks. Children shall be educated about the benefits and the risks of using technology and controlling their online experience.

If your child has been targeted online, the website Internet Matters offers detailed advice about who to report the incident to. Links to other websites that you may find useful are included below:


DfE Advice for Parents on Cyberbullying

The Use of Social Media for Online Radicalisation (Home Office, 2015)

#DITTO is a free online safety (e-safety) magazine for schools, organisations and parents


Operation Encompass

Get Safe Online

Cyberbullying and children and young people with SEN and disabilities

The UK Safer Internet Centre

NSPCC Online Safety

StaySafe Online

ChildLine Online Safety

YouTube Safety Mode

Google Safe Search

Online Safety Tool-Parent Info

How to keep 4-7 years olds safe